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Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual FSRD ISI Surakarta Jl. Ringroad Utara Km 5,5 Mojosongo, Surakarta 57127 Jawa Tengah Indonesia
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Fokus utama jurnal ini adalah untuk mempromosikan forum diskusi secara akademik global dan pertukaran interdisipliner maupun multidisiplin keilmuan dari para cendekiawan peneliti yang mengeksplorasi topik pada permasalahan periklanan dan komunikasi visual. Serial ini akan mendorong inovasi dan penelitian, berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dampak naratif, teknologi, ekonomi, promosi, periklananan dan persoalan artistik desain dalam lingkup desain grafis, multimedia, animasi, game yang meliputi seluruh rumpun dalam desain komunikasi visual. Analisis naratif fenomena tertentu, dengan fokus pada periklanan dan komunikasi visual; Studi tentang pengaruh promosi dan periklanan maupun komunikasi visual oleh teknologi media sosial; Analisis promosi dan periklanan yang mempengaruhi strategi baru dalam desain untuk mempersuasi konsumen seperti ambien media; Studi tentang hubungan antara desain grafis, animasi, game dan multimedia terhadap rasa estetika desain dan keinginan pasar strategis. Kajian tentang formula ekonomi dan inovatif dalam hal rantai produksi dan strategi pemasaran untuk periklanan cetak, periklanan TV, film iklan web series, animasi, game, fotografi iklan dalam aspek komunikasi visual. Dampak dan signifikansi strategi pemasaran untuk periklananTV, film iklan web series, animasi, game, iklan korporat, fotografi iklan, brand dan branding dari perspektif ekonomi politik atau pendidikan; Pendekatan historis dalam konteks sejarah periklanan untuk menemukan dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh-pengaruh terhadap strategi promosi, film iklan web series, animasi, game dan fotografi iklan, visual merchandising dalam ranah komunikasi visual; Kajian tentang fenomena baru pada periklanan, promosi, film iklan web series, animasi, game fotografi iklan, ambien media, baik media cetak maupun media online; Analisis dan studi yang berfokus aspek persuasi konsumen terhadap dampak dari nilai iklan.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2021)" : 6 Documents clear
Fungsi Dan Makna Point Of Interest Dalam Unsur Grafis Pada Label Makanan Tradisional Getuk Goreng Di Sokaraja Nawang Nila; Ana Rosmiati
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4012


Point of Interest (center of attention) becomes important for identity on product labels for Sokaraja fried getuk packaging. On each label, Sokaraja fried getuk uses a different center of attention from one label to another. This study aims to determine the role of the center of interest in the fried getuk label. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research by extracting data from primary and secondary sources such as interviews and literature studies. Through the perspective of the theory of graphic elements and design principles as the unit of analysis for the label of getuk goreng Sukaraja. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that the Sokaraja Fried Getuk Label has the characteristics of traditional visual elements and is dominated by red. Aspects of typography tend to be serif, sans serif, and script, using symmetrical and asymmetrical compositions. Design principles such as unity, proportion, balance, rhythm, and emphasis are visual elements that are composed quite well.
Perancangan Iklan Sosial “Kali Resik, Solo Apik” Menyadarkan Arti Sungai Bersih Bagi Masyarakat Kota Surakarta Charles Sari Charles Yordan; Basnendar Herry Prilosadoso
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4017


Through a social advertisement or campaign, it is expected to be able to make people care more about the surrounding environment. One of them is more concerned about the river where now many rivers are affected by pollution. The concept of social advertising through a comprehensive campaign strategy through various media (Integrated Advertising Campaign). This design also uses a visual communication method approach based on existing facts, namely the problem of river pollution which has quite an impact on the river ecosystem environment. An important keyword as a slogan is "Kali Resik, Solo Apik” is a strategy to approach community participation to further strengthen campaign activities so that the message to be conveyed can be understood by the entire community. This social advertising campaign is not only aimed at the people of the riverbanks or riverbanks, but also all levels of society in the city of Surakarta.
Dimensi Etis Iklan, Studi Kasus Pada Iklan Sampo Anti Dandruff dan Iklan Belanja Online di Media Televisi Ni Luh Putu Ratna Suandari; Fajri Rahma Pratiwi; Handriyotopo Handriyotopo
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4013


The ethical dimension related to advertising ethics towards advertisements broadcast on television media often violates the rules. The case study of the Pantene advertisement version of "Anti Drandruf Ads" played by Anggun C. Sasmi and the online shop version of the Shopee advertisement with Korean artist Black Pink were criticized by KPI regarding broadcast hours and their effect on children. The perspective of this research is the ethical dimension by Kevin Johnston and Tanya Robertson, with descriptive qualitative research methods interpretive analysis of advertising criticism. The evaluative finding of advertising art criticism in this study is that the morality of advertising ethics by comparing it with other products orally is still considered reasonable but the advertising dimension is negative. In the case of the Shopee advertisement with the Black Pink artist, it contains elements of sexism that should not be consumed by children.
Elemen Visual Desain Sampul Piringan Hitam Album Keroncong Produksi Lokananta Tahun 1959-1971 Astina Astina Yuliana; Ana Rosmiati
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4014


Vinyl records have various cover designs according to the development of modern technology. This study discusses the use of visualization of the album cover design of the 1959-1971 Lokananta keroncong album which is contained in several visual elements, namely typography, illustrations, colors and layouts. Based on the analysis conducted, the use of visual elements complement each other by having their own characteristics. Photographic and computer techniques were used on the album cover.
Pembentukan Persuasif Dalam Struktur Naratif Pada Iklan Gopay Indonesia Versi Bumbu Rahasia Dari Bu Sisca Yang Bikin #Lebihenak Alfiani Kristiana Dewi; Handriyotopo Handriyotopo
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4015


The concept of an advertisement aimed at modern society can no longer rely solely on the description of a product. Because basically people can find their own info from a product using their smartphone. Therefore, an advertisement must be designed in such a way that it really attracts potential consumers. Persuasive messages need to be packaged well in order to achieve the target to influence consumers to use the company's products. The research "Pembentukan Persuasif Dalam Struktur Naratif Pada Iklan Gopay Indonesia Versi Bumbu Rahasia Dari Bu Sisca Yang Bikin #LebihEnak " aims to find a persuasive formation of a product advertisement used by modern society, namely Gopay Indonesia e-money through narrative analysis of one of the advertising versions, namely Bumbu Rahasia dari Bu Sisca yang Bikin #Lebihenak. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by collecting data through documentation, observation, and literature study. This research uses narrative theory from Bordwell-Thompson which sees the narrative elements consist of plot and story, space, time, characters, and narrative. The results showed that the formation of persuasion to grow awareness and product introduction was formed from each narrative element. 
Gaya Ilustrasi Damar Kurung Pada Konsep Desain Brand Identity Sebagai Daya Tarik Visual Kemasan Sapit Bandeng Bu Amiroh Gresik dan Strategi Promosi Silvi Firma Silvi Alif; Taufik Murtono Murtono
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i2.4016


Sapit Bandeng is a typical food from the Gresik region, one of the producers is Mrs. Amiroh. This study aims to design a brand identity and promotion of milkfish sapit Mbok Amiroh-Gresik. The creation process carried out at the stage of making this work uses field research methods, namely direct observation, making alternative designs, selecting designs, applying designs, and final art work. The design is adapted from the illustration of Damar Kurung which is the mascot of Gresik City. This design resulted in the main logo and packaging designs as well as stationaries, merchandise, advertisements in the Jawa Pos newspaper, and mural advertisements on the walls as part of the promotional strategy.

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